Based on the sci-fi short story by Philip K. Dick, The Great C is a cinematic narrative set in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event. Featuring a thrilling storyline, stunning environments and a powerful soundtrack, the viewer is transported to a desolate landscape in which the remnants of humanity are ruled by an all-powerful supercomputer known as the Great C. Each year, the nearby village is forced to send a young person on a pilgrimage to appease the mysterious machine, a journey from which no one ever returns.
The Great C follows Clare, a young woman who finds her life upended when her fiancé is summoned for this year’s pilgrimage. Leaving the safe confines of her village, Clare must decide whether to accept the rules of her harsh society or fight against the oppressive powers that created it.
The Great C is a sweeping 30+ minute experience, developed from the ground up to push the boundaries of storytelling in VR.
My responsibilities were extensive on this project, being part of a very small 3-man ‘Art-team’ which included myself, the lead concept designer, and the art director, for the duration of the production. The art-team was tasked with creating all of the environments, props, lighting, textures, shaders and effects, that were not a Character (characters were the responsibility of the ‘animation-team’) throughout the entire experience. As such, I had a hand in the creation of every scene in the experience – including modelling, texturing, lighting, asset integration, environmental layout in-engine, 3D motion graphics, environmental effects and secondary animation.
The breath of content that the art-team was able to create within the timeframe is a testament to true collaborative teamwork, and a massive amount of elbow grease.